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MATHS HATAO ARGUMENT - Science and Maths removal from RAS paper 2 argument

The science and maths dilemma of MAINS RAS 2016 RAJASTHAN CIVIL SERVICES 

As aspirant of RAS exam I thought to write on the recent hotpot of argument between the question about the massive selection of mathematics based students rather than arts based student. But every event has an immediate cause and a cause in the background history that make it occur. Firstly, the immediate cause this year in 2016 Mains exam the paper 2 was severely harsh for the non science background students as the paper was so tough that even science students got laid on the floor. Questions on genetic engineering of insulin ,PH calculation, Band theory were very tough and major portion of the students got stucked in science portion. The math part was very lethal as questions in two marks deserved to be in 10 marks and 10 marks were simple as 2 marks but what happened was that the two marks questions made people jumbled and low on confidence that they even left the easy 10 marks question as 2/3 rd of the paper of arts students was thrashed. The geography part was ok but damage was already done, and this was sure that one will not get full marks in well attempted geography but in science he will. The result comes and people get very low marks in paper2 and are not qualified. 

  Now some questions arise

 Why Paper 2 was set of BSc level., And math was also not of 12th level?

 It was also due to the fear of RPSC about the science portion making people qualify single handily even if they havent done well in all three papers. RPSC had done everything to stop this they had even induced the geography portion in the  science paper to dilute its affect on the overall result to an extent. But what happened was that it only made life of arts student in the exam more miserable and their hopes of becoming RAS officer were dashed. 

 Why the maths is to be removed ? 

Maths is already tested as an aptitude test in the pre where also sufficient questions are asked on maths logical ability and the aptitude. RAS officer should be tested in mains on a broader frame of subjects rather than stereotype maths question as he has been already tested for basic maths knowledge in pre exam. 
The marking in the maths subject is very clear-cut and marked as per correctness of answer as well as steps followed. If u do follow the correct step the examiner is bound to give you full marks. But is it the same case in Arts no it is a different scenario there an analytical arts question will be having various factors that will lead to good marking of his question as some markers will want that language of the answerer should be simple as he should convey his words clearly without any show off and should make his things simple when he becomes an administrator, but some will want that it should be ornamented as the person answering is going to a higher level and his mind thinking process should be different than the others. Another problem is expression of the answer some people want that all to be written in points so that he can get a gaze through writers mind that he knows the thing but some will want that points should come with a good example and flawless writing. 
So these permutations and combination of  checking of an arts question will not give an exceptional arts student full marks as half a mark will be deducted by the examiner as his token of checking ones paper. It seems bit funny but it is like that. 

Has RAS become easy entry for  outstate people ?

Yes this can also be a source of dissent among state services aspirants as Rajasthan being a hindi based state surrounded by better educated hindi states who are willing to join rajasthan state services due to massive unemployment there and the easiest of the mains pattern in all india state services exam. If iam a outstate person I will see the mains paper as my part of strategy to be based on paper 2 and paper4 where if I get 120 in 2nd 130 in 4th paper and 60 each in paper1 and 3 iam qualified for interview even though I dont know anything about rajasthan art and culture and geography and all. 

The third argument it is rural vs urban success rate

Is this argument really thoughtful, I think yes it is amazingly a good argument. Rural areas do not have a science schools and science college in the near vicinity and they have to either move to nearest town or city for science study, in rural mindset people will opt for arts which is result available in every school and also via private colleges easily and  science have become a monopoly of the city students and urban people . Yes an equal proportion given to the science will dilute the chances of selection of the arts based rural students who already work hard to reach up to mains of  RAS exam. 
Now enough criticism of the pattern and all the aspects of the mains patrern is seen. 

What could be the possible solution for the above disscussed areas of conflict ?

  1. 1.Numero uno , math is to be removed and its portion is to be increased in the pre exam with level strictly of the level of tenth OR maths in the mains exam should be kept for only to satisfy the purpose of atitude testing only like in CSAT of IAS exam. It should be qualifying only. The portion of the maths is to given to  rajasthan art and culture it should be equal on status to maths. 

  1. 2.Secondly, the science portion is to kept upto level of tenth so that the argument of inequality ends there itself. 

  1. 3.Rajasthan portion in History , Economics and geography should be drastically increased to upto a level of 40 percentage. Also a step forward can be taken to introduce a full fletched paper for rajasthan art and culture plus indian art and culture. This will make it tough for outside rajasthan people to clear this mains exam.innjust a whisk. They have t work hard to learn about rajasthani history and culture. 

  1. 4.Questions on rural society and solutions from rural scenario will make a feel good effect to the rural students and will get a feel that the paper is oriented to them. 

  1. 5.A regular communication between RPSC and aspirants is missing let it may be via direct contact or via online feedback or by a mechanism made from rural to urban areas to gather views. 

Thats all from my side thank you if you read it all. 

Who am I ? 
An RAS aspirant A 12th science with maths from CBSE, graduate in public administration Honours from IGNOU, Post Graduate in Public administration from RAJASTHAN UNIVERSITY ,jaipur, post graduate in English Literature from IGNOU, PG diploma holder in Disaster Management from IGNOU 
A Technical person with diploma on electronics. Recently attempted RAS with a failed attempts and getting ready for next. 

I have seen almost all arts subjects and almost all arts subjects during my course of study hence I recommend my self eligible for commenting on this issue. I have tried to keep my argument less offensive and impartial towards anyone and I have used my experience and knowledge to comment of the critical issue. 

Pls give me feedback if iam wrong and please be logical and strait forward. 
JAI Hind JAI rajasthan JAI GYAN Aur VIGYAN. 


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